Stranger At Home
Animated Short Film - May 2024
Stranger At Home is an experimental animated short film made in response to a project on mapping locations, with this being an interpretation of a local residential area. Each frame was individually hand-drawn on Procreate using only two brushes and a limited colour palette for the sake of consistency, and later edited using Premiere Pro with recorded sound stitched on.
The film aims to answer the question of what exactly constitutes a home - if its how long one has lived there, or how familiar it has become, or how it makes one feel. It examines what it is to live in the loneliest generation, constantly craving connection yet always missing it when living in a fast-paced city where home does not fulfil its intended purpose to comfort. Despite being surrounded by friendly neighbours, a genuine connection of familiarity is never struck due to the bubbles of separation that results from the nature of living in an apartment complex, so we are left in a state of wondering but never truly knowing each other.
The final film was featured in a showreel for the “Me In The Map” exhibition, located at Peckham Levels.